the united states in particularfelt the international military tribunal trial against hermann goringa camera shot of a small sampling, and in order to really understand how a civilised country like germany could commit and tolerate the kind of atrocities that were committed, you should understand the position that doctors who perform medical experiments, the lawyers and judges that perverted the law, the ss murderers of course that did the killings, the industrialists that were working people to death. all of these were specific groups. so the united states said let us take a sampling from each of these groups to help us understand it. so i went to berlin with a team of about 50 people, scoured through all of the archives, miles of nazi documents, to gather the evidence to cover the broad spectrum of german society, which basically was responsible for the crimes. in previous interviews you described how in gathering witness testimonies you did resort to duress, for instance lining up villagers and threatening to shoot them if they lied. i mean, such methods now would amount to witnes