clark t"clash of th titans." the prime minister of canada to the north of the united states or the new president of france, but angela merkel a lot of people say, trump critics, say he shouldn't go there and lecture. publicly air grievances. his critics are more than happy to take him on and she's chief among them. >> true. no love lost between these two sides and clear what their differing visions are. merkel's speech couldn't be called a subtweet. overt. her criticism, clear they disagree, goes back to the kman. ba campaign. trump called hillary clinton america's merkel. based on this idea she was a globalist who wanted to open the borders and let everybody in and not protect america, and protect america first. and so, you know, that is a lingering dut. that's still the case. they disagree on visions we do have one leader ho wants protectionism in economics and in defense. the building of walls and the receding from international agreements and in europe, we talked before, this is a conflict between differing factions in almost all european countries. seems populists winning in brexit and saw the pendulum swing the other