uri chaca. and you're probably getting the idea from the pussy riot video that one of the things the criminal justice system under uri chaca is known for in russia is arresting and prosecuting enemies of vladimir putin and torturing people and killing people and disappearing people in russian prisons. so that's part of what this is about. part of the criminal justice system and how putin has used it in russia and this artistic criticism of that. the reason that uri chaca is not just a symbol of brutality, though, the reason he is also a symbol of corruption, the reason that crossed hands wings thing has become a symbol of corruption is largely because of an expose done by navalny. we've talked about him numerous times on this show. he's the most visible opposition figure in russia. he plans to run for president next year against vladimir putin although putin's government says they're going to ban him from the ballot and not let him return. navalny himself is just getting out of prison now. naval