your typical high school will help your kids learn how to put a condom on a anana, but nobod will teach's dangerous to keep a balance on their credit cards students get bombarded with credit card offers that can seem irresistible i took down five of them throw in thousands of credit card debt on top of their student loans and they can be in the hole for decades, which means you, the parents in many cases will need to bail them out. raising financially responsible children is about not getting hit up for cash every month, even when your kids are well into their 30s that's why if you want them to learn about money, and what parent doesn't want financially responsible children at this point, you need to do it yourself that means you need to have some long, boring conversations about the dangers of high interest rate debt, like the kind anyone can rack up on a credit card, and the need to save money coupled with the power of compound interest for generating wealth but in my view, the best way to make this dull finance medicine go down is with a spoon full of stock picking sugar. starting at