applause] on behalf of the union league club i would like to present you with the medallion as athanks fg us. [applause] and also on behalf of the military affairs committee i would like to present you with our military affairs challenge claim. [applause] i think everyone of you for defending tonight but it wouldn't be a military event without continued plugs for the next event so here is paying the bill so to speak. skydiving on august 18. we have a bunch in the audience way to go, i see people looking at if he's not trying to make eye contact right but that's okay. jumping out of a perfectly good airplane that today and earn your wings that will give you bragging rights at the main bar downstairs. [laughter] on september 11, a special day for the world and for our city especially the are going to have a special guest at that as the lieutenant general whose the commanding officer of the special forces and they are the units that are taking it to the enemy at this point that will be september 11. and after that we have another special guest on a different kind of plane we are going to have t