i support a very strong antidiscrimination position against people who have kryger criminal records unless it is directly relevant to the type of job you are applying for. >> i want to thank you for coming and one of my questions is for a student or anybody else out here in the crowd that wants to get more involved in the progression of the movement what can we do other than informing other people of what going on and doing more research ourselves. >> excellent question. one thing you can do is think about forming a students against mass incarceration organization on campus. they've been forming on numerous universities around the country and there's one at howard and columbia and growing and you can go on my website and could join that effort linking up with others around the country but how can people begin to play a meaningful role it takes leadership in the movement to end the mass incarceration and on the site i list other resources and organizations consider contacting that you could begin to work with if you choose and if they were doing work locally, but i do think that the priorit