i'd like to bring in mark rylander, there is some concern here, because this is highly court made theed, right? law enforcement, first responders on the ground up and down the gulf of mexico, you are saying there might be complications right pow? >> well the law enforcement officers are ready. the officials are here from the federal, state, local law entities. here's where we will have complications. when day breaks, if people who did not heed warning and they decided they were going to stay around and wait out the storm, as soon as daybreaks, they been to get out, drive around, ma fufr through what's going to be on the ground. which is unknown, all off our txdot cameras are down. we can't see what the roads are like. if they start to get out. maneuver around, while at the same time, our officers and rescue teams are trying to get out, ma fufr around, we will have major, major issues. >> in addition to all of this, and you've we heard some of the reporting coming out of corpus christi. >> that is issues of crime. how is law enforcement ready handle this while they are trying to do the m