candidates and they butted heads with the trump campaign most famously in that first debate when meghan kelly and donald trump had their back and forth and they struggled to catch up a little bit with the news of what was happening it's not whether you support a candidate or oppose a candidate but what trump was doing was something that we were under the radar for fox news and i think they struggled to catch up to that was the biggest misconception about steve brown you know to make sure religious jews right yeah and the main kids everyone says in the jewish that i mean the jewish community is that he's anti semitic well he's not i mean that's just not true at all that's something i can attest to personally i think also the evidence is out there of all the friendships he's had all the working relationships the business partnerships he's had over the years so it was that the biggest misconception probably since is the first one that you asked about i often get asked about as well when i speak to jewish groups they want to know what the real story is. yuan lease the tweet war or hashtag war and