. >> thank you for being here ms. davis, i appreciate that. the question i have is about the jury system. in these police killings have gone to trial, the jury's have not convicted them. i can understand that. that baffles me. >> is it implicit bias or is it something else involved? >> i wanted to answer that question so thank you for asking it. that is something i've been thinking so much about i can't really figure it out either but i'm trying so after some of these cases, walter scott who was running away with his hands in the air, got shot in the back like an animal, we saw that with our own eyes because it was videotaped. we saw eric garner being choked to death with our own eyes. when you see this with your own eyes and you see a murder , i know what a murder is when i see one, those were murders. and then to have in the case of eric garner not even being charged and in the case of walter scott where the jury came back home jury, in the case of a shelby ., where two cameras overshoot down paris with his hands in the air, not guilty. so i