take max from murchison-hume, a seller of high-end cleaning products.oilet bowl cleaner, surface cleaner, you get the idea. and you'd had thought she was selling fine art. watch me through this. so we used to have a text-heavy label. i wanted to make it easy for the customer to identify, so for me, it's an icon. i'm going to challenge you on that. oh, no. i feel like it's like, buying products for my castle or something. the chair is kind of like a chair that would be in a castle. anybody have a chair like that in your house? no. i do. and she didn't just have her head in the clouds when it came to her product, the company was on the verge of collapsing and yet, she was carrying on like everything was fine and it was perfect. max, it feels like you guys are slightly delusional about what's happening. it's like, it doesn't feel like a company in crisis to me. she fought me on the name of the company, the look, any change she saw as a threat to the upscale image she was trying to cultivate. but when we discovered that her inventory was worth just a fracti