as an example, keeping nonserious, nonviolent, nonsex offenders out of prison and keeping them at a local level. we have a lot to do, but that was a huge, huge step in california toward a better system. >> also, we shouldn't totally create that dichotomy between the state and the private, because the states run -- the states are contracted and these private companies oversee -- from what i have seen, it's not even an issue of companies doing what the contract requires. they don't even do that a lot of the time. the states don't have much of a means to enforce these contracts. i don't know of them writing example ofknow an them writing into the contract penalties for contract -- they will say they can revoke contracts, but they don't do that. it's still the responsibility of the state that these prisoners are running this way, ultimately. >> there was an inspector general report that basically sound that in private -- basically found that in private prisons there was a higher rate of assault, on prison staff and between inmates, and you were in a prison, you were in the correctional facili