humility, please in a bear market, usewider scales, meaning after you make a purchase, wait for thatgo down meaningfully and substantially before you buy more over the long-term, you have taken advantage of a terrific opportunity that most people were too afraid to pounce on, but i need you to think longer term you don't believe me just look at this chart of the s&p 500 over the ten years starting in the fall of 2005 look at those hideous declines during the financial declines in 2008 and 2009. if you use that to gradually buy a position in a cheap s&p 500 mutual fund, within a couple years you made a killing how about that nasty bear from 2011 we snapped back from that more rapidly. warren buffett has enough money he can afford to take any level of short term pain to get his hands on long-term gains if you have a shorter time horiz horizon, if you're a hedge fund manager that needs to be up for the year or even the day for that matter, you can't approach a bear market as a long-term buying opportunity you'll lose enough money in a short enough period of time that the thumb will go y