oliver: we are talking about specific technology you profile, braingate.e, it has made a lot of project will stop tallest is exactly what this project does -- it has been around for quite some time. it has made a lot of progress. tell us what this project does. >> this is really a wide reaching consortium of researchers at a number of different universities who are working together to probe the question of how can we connect the human brain to the outside world? both to sense the outside world and act upon the outside world. and also to reconnect connections that have been may be severed. if someone is quadriplegic. i talk about a fellow who had fallen, broken his neck and was paralyzed and it was assumed that was it. because that is what doctors have been saying for generations now that we cannot cure this kind of paralysis. but now thanks to some research that has been done at stanford, if you are mansions, for instance moving his hand, he cannot actually moved his hand but the part of his motor cortex generatingdo that is these signals that can be picke