and i said to mister o'reilly because he brought up the idea of tolerance, i said mister o'reilly, on your anniversary or perhaps it was thanksgiving, did you send your wife and i tolerate you card? and i said i would suggest the answer is no because if you sent your life and i tolerate you card, it probably didn't end well. why, mister o'reilly? tolerance says i could care less, do what you want. i don't love you, i don't like you that well but i will tolerate you, do what you want. love says i care deeply. love says, tolerance says i don't care, do what you want, love says i care deeply. so have confidence and courage, get the spine, do some reading, understand your ideas, practice in. i'm a student of chuck colson and he told us the only way you learn is to teach it. teaching. teaching to yourselves, teach it to your peers, talk about it constantly. be prepared for your speech. your teaching it constantly, then you will be comfortable and confident, your spine will step in. you can do it without getting angry anger is always the last resort. emotion is the last thing when you've lo