up next week interview author simon montgomery on her book. >> a lot of people when they think of this, they think of a monster. they think of this famous pen and ink drawing that a lot of folks have had tattooed on their arms for years, this huge tentacled creature taking down a huge ship. now they don't do that. they are not monsters that victor hugo described inhis book . they are actually soft, intelligent and i found a surprisingly affectionate creatures. with an amazing intellect. the whole story began in march 2011 when scott dowd who works at new england aquarium lifted the lead that belonged to athena. >> their head, what we think of the head is really their torso. we go head body limbs. they go -- the great background thing we think is the head is really a part of the body that house their digestive and reproductive organs, the organs of respiration, where we would call our torso. the next thing you see is their head. their brains look nothing like ours. our brain looks like a walnut out of its shell. they are brain wraps around their throat and instead of the four different