board out of ten members if you take a look at apple's senior leadership, also only one woman, angela ahrensyou go down to the vp level it's different tim cook has done a lot of work at apple >> we noted that we noted there are three critical vps, but there's a lot of vps there's a lot of vps i think jeff bezos addressed it, as noted in the story, he dr addre addressed it at a meeting, the reason these vps can't rise is because nobody leaves, and that's 100% true they are very good executives, wilkie, who runs the main service, you know, these are great executives they haven't gone anywhere, they've been there for years it's still an interesting question of how do you introduce as much, again, it's not diversity for diversity sake, it makes for a better company you know, as i said 100 times before, the only time standards are ever brought up around adding women or people of color to the workplace is when it has to do with women or people of color and never about the standards of the men that were there. the white men typically that were there so i think the question is, does it make for a be