that can result in a hunchback aerobatic suffers from a rare rheumatic back disease spondylitis is bangerz condition hadn't been diagnosed in time she could have ended up with a pronounced hunchback. the hunchback only occurs after the disease has been present for some years that's the end stage in a manner of speaking in the beginning there is pain and swelling but as far as function goes it's not noticeable. in ankle osing spondylitis the body's immune system is mr wrecked it defense cells begin attacking the joints muscle and tendon attachments grow inflamed. the painful inflammation can spread to the spine and lead to extreme oss occasion there are typical indicators. to see if i had really bad back pain mainly in the morning but also at nights so bad that i could hardly roll. in the morning there was an unusual stiffness. high morning back pain is an important indicator for the disease blood tests and inflammation so i can be seen in an m.r.i. confirm the diagnosis. it means that we're dealing with spinal rheumatism and it has to be treated with medication. down immediately with moder