mr. druker. [applause] >> thank you very much. i appreciate the opportunity to speak with such a great organization, and i'd like to begin by asking you to tell me what you would think or what would you think if at the snap of my fingers everybody in the world suddenly, instand instanty became aware of all the facts about genetically-engineered foods, and everybody's opinions became aligned with our very best scientific knowledge. well, if we adhere to the routine rhetoric of the proponents of these products, we would have to predict that such a worldwide wave of enlightenment would quickly cause all opposition to them to vanish. because in the rendition of realitying that they propound, all of the opposition has been based in ignorance, and all of the concerns about risks are just due to an improper understanding of science. but in reality, in this world we actually inhabit, the phenomenon that would quickly vanish is not the opposition to the foods, but the foods themselves. that's right, if the actual facts became widely known,