stephanie vargas: i was at one of the bars, and i saw her walk by. every single head turned. craig melvin (voiceover): it was after her shift that they found her, the victim of a ruthless attack. i mean your heart just drops to your stomach. craig melvin (voiceover): potential suspects? how about a casino's worth of costumers. we didn't know if there was some psycho watching us girls work at the palms. craig melvin (voiceover): or did the answers lie in the dead woman's past? shauna started thinking, i have got to get out of this situation. craig melvin (voiceover): from out of the blue, a tip. he had some information that was connected to our murder. craig melvin (voiceover): that would reveal a diabolical. i just could not understand how this was reality. craig melvin (voiceover): but was this killer too clever to be caught? he is extremely smart, smarter than we all are. [music playing] welcome to dateline. shauna tiaffay hit the jackpot in las vegas, a handsome husband, adorable daughter, and a good job. but there is a dark side to sin city. and sadly, the beautiful cockt