look at that face, such a cute face that his owner tyler hudson made a short film about. >> i've beenoticing lately that i have a lot in common with my dog. we are both unemployed. we both poop twice a day, although for him it's often more than that, but that's just something you learn to live with, i guess. he eats when i eat, he naps when i nap, we drink the same water and sit on the same coach. he's actually pretty rude about that, so it's like he's pretending he can't tell that i'm trying to sit exactly where he is. >> well i'm sitting here first. why are you trying to move me? >> apart from our routine i find the main difference between us is that while i feel burdened, he is just happy to be alive. >> so he has an idea. what would happen if mosby went out and got a job. >> probably wouldn't settle for the if, thing that came to him but he would pursue something that he found fulfilling. >> peanut bitter eat per. >> not that he's perfect. i've seen him make mistakes. i've seen him lose motivation on multiple occasions. but he just changes his attitude and straddles the pillow and