, get understanding across time and across space it really helps in form archeologists at montichello across the south and east coast. it's important to document these spaces for sure. >> so this is the equipment i use from turnbull and this coordinates gps coordinates and completed a digital archaeological survey form i'm interested in and it links to that gps coordinator. when i map these out where the building is, all this information i put in comes up to that point. this project started as part of my masters thesis project. i'm a masters architect and went back to get my degree in historic preservation. when i had been in the real world practicing a while the type of architecture i wanted to do was historic preservation and went back to school with my masters degree. when i was in school for my masters thesis i started doing research with the historic american building survey collection, which is wpa program that started in 1936, to get architects back to work. a thousand architects were hired to document significant historic structures all across the united states. part of that d