joe mcnamara and theresa younga i don't know if it is the right word and helped this project come to be, mid-wifed it or something. we would not be here were it not for theresa. so thank so you much. and ms. menendez and the management company who will hopefully take care of this building as well as they do everywhere else. we do a lot of these openings with bank of america. they are probably, i would say, the most active bank right now in san francisco in terms of financing and investing in affordable housing. for the last month or so, ary has been a very busy man and as i follow the mayor and as we celebrate the reopening of a lot of the buildings that have been renovated around downtown. he's done a great job of making the bank a partner with affordable housing and. >> all prospective jurors: of other sponsors and with that, i i bring you ari valleha. >> thank you, doug. it is an honour to be here roping bank of america at this grand opening. oftentimes people say it takes a village. in affordable housing it takes the city government, the state government, multiple mayors. a great