dr. john doy. he listed his profession as a hydropathic doctor. i think if you transit that, it probably means quack. [ laughter ] >> but, anyway, one of the things he did, he was a close associate of john brown. he actually would go into missouri to help not only to try to help slaves escape, he would steal them from their owners in missouri. he wrote an autobiography, you can get it online. it's kind of cool. actually, there's a youtube, the story i'll get to in a minute. of him that you can pull up very easily. if i can do it, you can do it. any way, he in 1859, this is really kind of interesting. the people of lawrence asked him if he would help 12 free blacks leave lawrence and go to canada. he had helped i don't know how many dozen fugitive slaves escaped, but now, being asked to take free african-americans out of lawrence. he agrees to do it. he gets a few miles out of town and is arrested by missourians. this is kind of like, i'm sure you heard about al capone, but did all these horrible things but he was arrested for income tax evasion. jo