and with that i'm asking that jess peterson with web core to come up and start elaborating on how we might adjust and tweak this mitigation to better -- better get us towards completion where we need to be. so, thanks, jess, for coming. i know that your schedule is constrained. >> there's always something to do. lots of work going on in the city. good morning. and so i wish that it was easy and it's just talking through some of the bullet points. your question, ed, was around why did we slip a month in the last month? we have -- been told that permanent power and water would be received in november and we don't have it at this point in time and, yes, there's some concurrent issues going on with our electrician. we find -- i don't know -- well, maybe i'll back up, so at the beginning of the year i realized that there's been more attention needed at the job. i probably spend at least once a week out there. and we typically bring in the principals of the company to be able to talk to many of the issues that are out there. and, certainly, fisc is one that we have been talking with regular