mr. tunney, and sorry, i forgot to disclose. >> tom tunney on behalf of the permit holder. appreciate the opportunity to address this. we are -- would like more time to come up with a plan for the roof deck. we have talked about december 13th with the appellants. we have agreed to give them, to provide them with a plan, drawings ten days in advance of the 13th, december 3rd, that's a sunday. we can figure out exactly when to get it to them. they've sent a list of items. i've explained to mr. williams a few times that we're happy to consider all of them. some of them we already acknowledged, the 500 square foot limitation, but we need time to decide what the maos would like to do and then, we need to evaluate the rest of the items that he proposed. >> okay. >> lewis butler, architect for the project. i just wanted to add it was my optimism to push for the one week, and when we addressed the issue we realized it was a much more complicated design problem on this. it makes no sense for us to rush the roof deck at this point. we'd like to coordinate it with the rest of the desi