in 2015 and it's currently at $1.63 million or you could just eliminate it as was proposed in the r.e. t. i know you have a lot of stuff. santa has a big sack on his sleigh of things for you to do next year. but i do hope you will do that and i wish you all a really merry christmas and all the best for the few year and particularly you, commissioner johnson. you have a wonderful year in your new endeavours and all of you take care and happiness and health and let's hope 2018 is better than 2017. this is for the minutes. thank you. take care. >> next speaker. >> good afternoon. i wanted to take a couple of minutes just to say that i think the director bulletin that came out a week and a half ago on the whole streamlining tangle was very excellently done. i don't know if it was kate or john or combination, might have taken the whole army to figure that out. it was very well done and clarifies a lot. i think it cuts through the rhetoric we've been hearing around streamlining, streamlining, streamlining and now we know how it works. i wanted to step back to say this has been an interesting p