dedication of the republican leadership, especially the ryan-type leadership, their dedication to slavish servilitycorporate power and wealth is just phenomenal. i mean, read this morning's business pages. their latest step is to try to prevent exposure of complaints against banks that carry out improper activities. it is possible now, thanks to the consumer protection act, for people to criticize when they think a bank has carried out some improper activity. but we've got to keep that silent, you know, because we have to protect corporations from any exposure of criminal activities they might carry out. i mean down to that level, in fact, everywhere you look. i mean, the healthcare proposal was so shocking that, i mean, it was a proposal basically to cut taxes for the rich and to ensure that poor and middle-class people -- the people who voted for trump, in fact -- don't get medical aid. as you saw, of course, the congressional budget office estimated 24 million additional people uninsured. there was an analysis of that by steffie woolhandler and david himmelstein, two health specialists, just stu