we spoke with sleenl that's mom in march. we're told she and other family member don't like bieber.hey blame him for putting her in a toxic emotion gnaemoti year ago. >> aren't row just so shock snd the lifestyle isn't real. >> is she upset with your relationship with justin? is she better now? >> reporter: today, she had no response when asked about her mom's hospital stay. we're told they're quote in this for the long haul. they're at a point in their lives where marriage and kids are definitely on the table. zplmts let's move on to another story making news right now. et has learned that tomorrow meghan will attend a prechristmas lunch with the queen at buckingham palace. this will will be per first official royal event at the queen's lond pd residence. the palace confirmed she'll attend the royal family's private christmas celebration at sandringham house outside of london. meghan and hairy are expected to stay at william and kate's country home during the christmas festivities. meghan will be with charlotte and george as they open their stockings. queen elizabeth's embracement