. >> that's no what stu fiduciario but there are question os whan does the plan mean. sometimes we have a disagreement on who should get that benefit. >> i would say that first it would be a question of an interpretation of the charter. it would be a legal question. we would do our best job to figure out what the settler meant with that language. >> what the settler meant versus the fiduciary. >> to be covered by the plan. once it's determined who should be covered by the plan, you then have a duty to provide to that person or persons the benefits of the plan. >> the settler does it, not the fiduciaries and we're not settlers. >> correct. correct. correct. >> okay. >> i have one question. we have a responsibility to read our agendas. we have a responsibility to read our packets and we have a responsibility to pay attention, correct? >> pay attention? >> yes. so based on that is, you know, i've heard comments made about you shouldn't have distracters. and my question isal is the cell phone considered a distracter or not? >> your board policy, code of conduct does indica