and it was the attempt of the spaniards to try and settle and christianize the original settlers the native americans that were established here. at this time also you had the intrusion from the french, british, and russian interest coming into the pacific coast. so the spaniards are looking at a way of settling and kind of controlling the region that we know of california at the time. the difficulty was sea travel going up the coast was against the trade winds. from mexico. so the thought was if they could establish an oval hand trail method that that would help solidify the hoeltd on california. and in 1775, early soldier for the spanish government, created his own trail from basically southern arizona up into california. and up as far as monterey california. and so he went back to the spaniard government and got permission to lead the exhibition following the same trail. 1776, he led a group of 240 people, this is a mix of different native americans, different spaniards, people mixed races. across on the this trail. and they ended up in monterey. a couple months later his lieutenan