dylan o'brien is back, following this trilogy, trying to secure a cure for a deadly virus called thee action is absolutely insane. what happened, in 2016, the director of this film, there was a very big injury onset with dylan o'brien that shut down the production of the movie and for many months they started shooting again, in 2017, and actually the shot he was injured on it in the opening sequence of the movie during a train sequence and the director actually kept this particular shot in the film to honor dylan o'brien and the injury he received onset at this particular film in the trilogy in my opinion is the best of the action. the action scenes are incredible to watch specifically the opening scene and later, it is a bit too long, too much going on where you get lost, it drags at times as well. watch the first and second one again, you need that story to understand what is happening in the third movie but i gave it 3 out of 5, it is 2 hours and 20 minutes, a little long for a movie like this. giancarlo esposito played gus in breaking bad. every time i see him, i geek out about h