and we do it with a budget staff and emily gibb and tiffany wong are two of the members who have worked on the daa is budget this year. we reach out to the program offices throughout the agency to ask them to identify areas of new need, changing regulation, changing law. changes in the patterns of consumption of services. and then potentially innovations to make in program areas. and we collect all of that. we begin to analyze it, we begin to cost things out. and then we do this in the late autumn typically. we start then. and then in december, right at the beginning of december typically, the mayor's office provides budget instructions and the mayor's budget instructions typically are based on forecasts of city revenues and city expenses. and they are sometimes based on special areas of focus that the mayor wants agencies to take. those agencies, those areas of focus often tend to be at the instruction phase, very broad. and you know, in the mayor's office gets to specific things that the mayor is actually interested in him or herself as we move through the process. and then at the beg