that basically that was what eventually led to the conviction of jeffrey sterling for divulging secrets and but rising never said that there was jeopardy sterling with the poor man thankfully i believe is going to be let out officially doubled his sentence i believe in late july this year this year. but it does raise a lot of troubling questions does it not right a lot of people in putting out fires have actually brought up this question and it's something that keeps getting us because you don't know what exactly is it going to take what exactly does or does a journalist have to do to not fall into one of these categories very very espionage if you talk about anything so. one of the things they were saying is that can our government be trusted to react credibly and responsibly when presented with their own wrongdoing can any government really can any government this is something you know going back to our founding fathers that was the eternal question can we be trusted to govern ourselves how many checks and balances do we need to have and how much space do we need to have between the p