. >> good morning jordan davidson. >> thank you for your patience by the way. >> i sit on the single room occupancy task force where at our june 17th meeting we voted in favor of the common use facilities be gender neutral. i pushed for the issue due to a hard fought campaign which was successful. i led it in my hotel to change the sign for single use shower room and outreach where i served in leadership academy in which i reported in several hotels with single occupancy rest rooms with single signage for the building inspection and not be able to proceed due to the loophole in the law which brings us here today. as a disabled transgender woman, i didn't necessarily want this to be the first thing on the task force. i don't want to be solely known for amenities but we have determined this as a long overdue code change and i want to stress this is kind of historic. in my research i have found no gender neutral rest room law in the united states on either city or state level that covers residential settings nor that covers solely bathing facilities. so we're going to be leading the way