and, kenneth weinstein is the president and chief executive officer of hudson institute, a washington.-based think tank. he's written widely on international relations. welcome to you both. nancy mceldowney, i would like to start with you first. this is how the president likes to communicate, and he's communicated some substantive foreign policy messages. now, you can only pack so much into a tweet. i'm just curious, what do you make of this strategy? >> i think it's very problematic, and i'll tell you, when you look at the course of the president's tweets, they range from being disruptive to downright dangerous. on the content of the tweets, they're often impulsive, filled with more emotion than real strategic intent or any analysis. the process is often very difficult because it's in conflict with aspects of the policy that are being implemented by other parts of the administration and then, most importantly, it's confusing to other world leaders who are often asking what is american policy, what's the long-term plan and how are we supposed to react when we don't know whether what c