a man with lis coming from his summer home over on kitsap peninsula headed towards tacoma. had a cocker spaniel with him in the car and by the time he got to the most severely moving part of the bridge deck, he couldn't control the automobile. so the car swung just screeched around and sort of ended up kind of diagonally across both lanes on the bridge and he jumped out and ran and got off the bridge. and then for the next 30 or 40 minutes, the bridge went into just a violent just movement that no one had seen before. and all of the crowds on both sides all sort of you know, closed in to just watch. so there was i think everyone started to suspect that the impossible was about to happen, that the bridge was going to give it up, was going to fail. with no one really on the bridge strangely enough, a university professor who had worked on trying to solve the puzzle, there was enough time for people to be able to get out there and here's a university of washington professor far quarson ran out onto the bridge trying to get the dog out of the car. and there's great foot and of