we are here in fall river, manachusetts, a proud ameri city. (cheers and applause) an american city built by immigrants. (cheers and applause) from textiles to robots a place that knows how to make great things. (cheers and applause) the students are with us here this evening in the auto tech program at diman regional vocational technical school to carry on that rich legacy. (cheers and applause) like manymerican hometowns, fall river has faced its share of storms, but the people here are tough. they fight forach other. they pull for theirity. it is a fitting place to gather, as our nation reflects on the state of our union. this is a difficult task. many have spent the last year anxious, angry, afraid we all feel the fractured fault lines across our country. we hear the voices oanf americ who are forgotten and feel forsaken. we see an economy that makes stock soar, investorortfolios bulge and corporate profits climb, but fails to give workers thir share of the reward, a government that struggles to keep itself open, russia knee-deep in our dem