before i begin that, i want to give some thank you, and i would like to have pamela levin, our chief financial officer to come to the podium while i address her for a moment. pamela, i know that i speak on behalf of the board without consulting with them, but i'm going to say some things to you that i think are in the spirit of commendation for the hard work and efforts that you provided during the course of this transition. it isn't publicly maybe known that this past year the city and county of san francisco went through a whole massive change in the financial and budgeting system. new chart of accounts, all kinds of stuff that was supposed to be maybe done a year or two back or a year or two hence, but all came crashing down on your shoulders this past summer, and you gave great leadership to not only the work and the effect, the implementation of that system and this department, but also provided good guidance to collaboration with other departments within the city and county of san francisco, while maintaining your month in and month out reporting to this board on the assets of t