i'm tom toney on behalf of the project sponsor. the architect is here as well. we're available to answer any questions you may have. staff presentation and written responses have addressed each of the arguments in this appeal. the appeal concerns the ceqa document at issue in this project. while we understand and appreciate the character of the home, there is simply no violation of ceqa in this case. ceqa is very clear concerning historic resources. the project may cause significant impact when the project "demolishes or materially alters in an adverse manner the physical characteristics of an historical resource that conveys historical significance." can we show the overhead? this shows the two properties. the proposed project does not expand the property's facade. it will not alter or effect the appellant's home in any way on the front facade. this image shows the worst-case shadow impacts of the proposed rear addition. as you can see, it's set back almost 4 feet. doesn't touch the home. it's visible from the home, but views from the home as have been establis