. -- elonk's telling musk's startup boring company sold a product. quirky promotions on social media are paying off. come thursday, he declared he was already sold out of flame floors -- flamethrowers after four days. he district in $10 million. the money will be used to fund his ambitious product to build underground transportation systems. they began digging a tunnel in los angeles a year ago. whenll be a sellout crowd spacex has the launch of its new falcon heavy rocket. his new rocket could be launched as soon as february 6 from cape canaveral. coming up, cryptocurrencies continue to face hurdles in asia, but one country is looking to be the next big hub for the digital asset. we will bring you through taiwan. this is bloomberg. ♪ ♪ emily: japan's claim check says it was hacked after it lost digital tokens last friday. it has prompted calls first or industry oversight. officials said the country will conduct on-site inspections of exchanges and cryptocurrencies will most likely become an issue at the next g20 meeting. poly chain has decided not t