one of the things that was so distinctive about whitfield, who was the greatest evangelicalist of that era, that even though he was an 18 lick can minister, a church of england minister, especially in america he cooperated very avidly with nonanglicans, anybody who was supportive of his message of the new birth of salvation, being born again, this is the experience that all people need to have. he was quite willing to preach in their churches and to preach alongside them. and he was upbraided by anglican authorities about saying, why are you cooperating so much with the dissenters? the baptists and the presbyterians and the congregationalists and the quakers. and he said, because i see born again people among all denominations. so that's a unity that's born to me out of a specific kind of religious principle, which is the belief and the need for conversion and being born again. so there's a way in which i think these two trends towards religious unity are happening at the same time. one is the evangelical unity around the new birth of salvation, one is the enlightenment kind of trend o