jessica milam and destiny were coworkers. bonded over country music. when they're together, strange chemical reaction of warmth. >> never done this before. >> took this act on the road to las vegas but lively weekend ended in terror when gunman opened fire on the harvest festival, killing 68 and injuring others including jessica. >> one point where i thought this is how i die. didn't thirch i was making it out. >> a bullet hit jessica, destene pledged to get her out. she did, little by little, dragging her friend off the concert grounds. >> couldn't have asked for better person to be there with. >> i love you. >> jessica is here tonight because of destene, but required a second angel. >> he pulled up, brakes screeching. we're going to hospital if you need anybody going, load them in. >> taylor commandeered a pick-up truck and drove dozens to the hospital including jessica and destene. joined via facebook. >> i can't put into words how grateful i am for you. and for your quick thinking in saving our lives and so many others. >> like destene, the marine