so, it detect a love chemical called nona. nona peptide in the brain.type scanner, and then they'll test some fluid, too. scientists say they're only produced in large quantities when a person is truly in love right now, can only be done on animals, they're testing this thing, may not be around for years. but still. if it was available, or if it were available, would you do it? apparently we are talking to quince bye this, hey, quincy, would you take the test, would you want your wife, ivy, to take the necessary. >> no. i mean the only way you can really test love or it is no fluid, it is no carseat you leave it up. yes, you have to go through hard times, you have to be battle tested. that's the only way. you know, that's how you know someone, you know, things are going well, okay, anyone can be in love when everything is going good, everyone has their health. but when you're tested, financially, you're tested spiritually, these are the times that build a strong bond common. >> so not so much a chemical reaction. >> no. >> it is, what is your definition