again the world of in a political scandal i know you pride yourself on your colleagues for being patrick achi nonpolitical but can you really be about politics in this line of work i mean that sounds kind of like fairy tale almost. i think it's a standard you have to strive for have been a lifelong political independent for that reason that you outlined that it's crucial for intelligence officers to be independent and objective and serve the country not just the president and the government but we are also all citizens now the intel they were our taxpayer funded they have no private sector competition appointments there are made by politicians how can all that not be politicized. actually the in the intelligence profession all of our officers are career professionals we spend our entire career inside the agency in my case i was undercover for my twenty three years in cia living abroad for most of those years and frankly i really felt it was not that difficult to maim maintain my impartiality and i think you have to do that whether you're collecting information or analyzing it or disseminating