to our nonhousing obligations by project area, then the housing obligations by project area, rincon south beach, south beach harbor and bonds by project area. end of the rops we add on new items. so as new items get added on to the bottom, because of the foremat of the document, we are not able to renumber them, so they don't get integrated into the original structure. new items added on as they come up. the funding sources are bond proceeds, that will be the funding source to the far left of the document, it's the first funding source and that includes both bonds that have already been approved and any bonds we and -- anticipate in the next year. and either on reserve, balances, due diligence reserve balances, which we have none. other is developer payments and grants, our primary source of other is developer payments which are developer reimbursements on their behalf and we have a small number of grants. and property tax that we use to fund any of our enforceable d.o.f. enforceable approved obligation and rttpf addmin is the amount of property tax we are allowed to use by law to administer th