for a pardon, search and apply for state jobs, look up the status of an inmate or parolee, see the strawn health inspection cores, compare your take-home pay to other states. state government has apps to buy hunting and fishing licenses, explore travel destinations, zeroed conditions, agencies are using social media to spread information more quickly and to directly communicate with south datotans. we offer gis maps for land for hunting, locate recycling facilities pinpoint oil and gas levels, determine lake levels, identify water bodies eligible for buffer strip protections. more and more and more can be done online. we know however, that on line shopping has made it more difficult for our state to collect sales and use taxes. our state has been the at story front of the national efforts to solve this problem. we continue to hope that congress will address this problem but in the meantime, two years ago, this body passed senate bill 106 to require online sellers without a physical presence in south dakota to collect and remit sales tax. since then, over 100 companies like amazon have com