objectives are political and range from compelling political reform to expelling an occupier to inciting arevolution . in our case, here in the terrorists view, conspiring a revolution throughout the world, to restore the caliphate, and impose sharia law. terrorism overlaps frequently with insurgency but is not identical to it. >> here i have to borrow from our very famous theorist of insurgency, now's a tongue . i think you have to understand about him. he hangs around with 20 guys and they're really a bunch of frat boys. the question before them is how do we take over all of china? what will be our strategy? so there might be something to learn now about how to take over an entire country. and he developed a three-phase theory of war. the first phase is called the strategic defenses. the terrorists have nomoney, they have no weapons .and they need to get both. what they need to get his recruits. so terrorism is arecruiting tool . you blow up, kill hated figures of authority and young and repeat people say i want to be like those guys. i want to do what they do. back in the day and by the way, this