and mona mcleod was one of them.d know that what i did was worth doing. creating food was essential. and we didn‘t starve. file: down on the farm, the land girls are doing their bit, and a bit more! and you should see their calves! i was 17, studying, i thought, to go to cambridge. and i knew nothing about the land army. my father appeared one day and said, "i want to talk to you". and he said, "i believe i have always have done, about the importance of the higher education of women, but first, we should concentrate on winning the war". and so i said, "yes, daddy". and a week later or so, i had left school and i was on the train for scotland. file: the war has taken most of the younger men away from scotland's farms, leaving the farmers without enough help to produce our vital food supplies. they treated me very nicely and it was a dairy farm, about 65 cows. and the first week, i was sent into the dairy. and i was told to hand milk the difficult cows. and i‘m sorry to say that at the end of the week, they‘d all gone