when they started coming out and telling us that the governor hadad agred to a 5% raiaise and that peia, which is our insurance, and a grim for our insurance program, when they told us that would remain frozen, the crowd immediately started chanting "see you tomorrow! see you tomorrow!" the governor agreed we would have a cool off day. we were not scheduled to go back to thursday. our leadership agreed we would go back on thursday in good faith. at the people of west virginia said, no, we are going back in good faith. you have to sign, seal, and deliver it. we were determined that we were not going back. i went through the hallway on wednesdaday during the cool off day and i was trying to talk to union leaders. we were all very clear, we are not going back. we had union meetings across the state. some people met on the state's of the capital -- steps of the capitol with her union members. we voted instantly. it was overwhelming. everyone was coming to the capital and saying, what is mason counting doing? what is logan county doing? everyone was saying, we're not going g back. we're not