for twenty two years wayne perry man and a team from noah have been here from march until may counting and collecting data on great whales migrating north from the breeding grounds of mexico to the arctic a trip of six thousand eight hundred miles this point is kind of a focal point for them and we're able to see them very very well they passed often within one hundred meters of the beach so it's a great place to count animals great whales swim close to land as protection against their main predator killer whales even so it takes a sharp eye and strong binoculars to spot the northern migration once they do it's go time for a one of a kind unmanned aircraft named mostly. to the right to the right now move there and then allow the frame the right. going out on the service economy of the frame good come down a little that i'm going to the right a see i'm underwater know a scientist and pilot john durban is tracking a mother and her calf from a distance of about three quarters of a mile out from where he stands john's wife and co researcher holly fernbach is under the towel that shades a c